Mon, 26 June 2023
What is happening in the world of neuroscience and meditation? That is the subject of today’s episode with Katie Devaney who is a researcher at University of California Center for Psychedelic Research and Co-founder of Berkeley Alembic. As an independent organization, Berkeley Alembic has more autonomy to perform research on experiences that highly experienced meditators have, yet might not match the immediate criteria of fighting disease. For full show notes, visit:
Direct download: EvoFM_-_Kati_Devaney_-_Episode_21-_First_Draft.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:03am CST |
Mon, 26 June 2023
I went on a men’s retreat a few months ago called Junto and realized that there were some major growth opportunities for me in the outer expression of a lot of my inner work. What this retreat made me realize is that I’ve spent less time on learning how to effectively communicate and express these experiences in many relationships in an elegant and authentic way. Today’s guest is Andrew Horn -- the creator of the Junto retreat experience, founder of the tech company Tribute, and a leadership coach & facilitator. In this conversation, we talk about relational leadership and the practicalities of what that looks like in our day to day experience. A big takeaway for me is that even when we work on our consciousness, we often don’t have many tools we need to be fully expressed as humans. Andrew shares many of his favorite tools that he uses in his own life and the people we work with. For full show notes, visit:
Direct download: EvoFM_-_Ep_22_-_Andrew_Horn_-_First_Draft.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:48am CST |
Mon, 12 June 2023
The study of the DMT experience by standard only takes around 10 minutes. What if we could extend the duration of these experiences and get into a deeper exploration? Enter DMTx. In 2018, researchers kicked off a study to observe participants in an extended DMT state experience to delve deeper and conventional limits. Today’s guest is Alexander Beiner, one of the 9 incredibly brave participants who embarked on this pioneering inner exploration. What did he find?
For full show notes, visit: |
Thu, 8 June 2023
We, humans, are a funny bunch. Sometimes it feels like we think we have it all figured out only to later understand how the way we’ve been doing things needs some rethinking. You may have heard of the term “regenerative” in various contexts. I most often came across it in relation to agriculture. But the concept can be applied to all the systems in our society including business. Today’s guest is Rudy De Waele, the founder of RegenerateX, UnconditionalMen, and Heart Masters. He has been working with leaders and organizations across the world to transform themselves and the systems we find ourselves in.
For full show notes, visit:
Direct download: EvoFM_-_Ep_19_-_Rudy_De_Waele_-_First_Draft.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am CST |